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Jan. 30, 2024

Avoiding risks and protecting policyholder coverage

Policyholders that receive insurer requests for information should try to understand the purpose, especially if the insurer is seeking seemingly unrelated information as a way to escape coverage.

Jacquelyn Mohr Heitman

Partner, Pasich LLP

Tae Andrews

Counsel, Pasich LLP


Tae Andrews is a Counsel in Pasich LLP's New York office. Tae has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for corporate policyholders in coverage disputes with their insurance companies.

Policyholders often think that once their insurer has agreed to provide coverage, nothing can go wrong. That is not the case. Actions policyholders take can have a large impact on coverage. Far too often, insurers attempt to rescind coverage based on information provided during the application process or after a claim. Although these requests often seem innocuous, insurers often use the information to shirk their coverage obligations. Thus, it is critical for po...

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