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9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

Jan. 31, 2024

Warrants are the only judicial key to opening a safe deposit box

A Ninth Circuit panel vindicated plaintiffs’ Fourth Amendment claims, reversing a district court’s judgment in favor of the government.

Dmitry Gorin

Partner, Eisner Gorin LLP

Alan Eisner

Partner, Eisner Gorin LLP

Robert Hill

Associate, Eisner Gorin LLP

A unanimous panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a district court’s judgment that the government did not violate the Fourth Amendment when it conducted warrantless “inventory searches” of safe deposit boxes owned by multiple individuals at a Beverly Hills facility. The panel remanded the case with instructions to order the destruction of any records related to the search of the plaintiffs’ property, the only remedy remaining to the plaintiffs after the...

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