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Antitrust & Trade Reg.

Sep. 3, 2024

Invisalign maker to settle antitrust claims for $27.5M

"Antitrust cases are inherently risky and, while the plaintiffs believe their claims are sound, recovery is far from certain," Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP co-founder Steve W. Berman wrote in the settlement motion filed Thursday in federal court. 

The maker of Invisalign agreed to pay $27.5 million to resolve antitrust allegations by consumers who accused the company of conspiring with a rival to corner the clear dental aligner market.

"Antitrust cases are inherently risky and, while the plaintiffs believe their claims are sound, recovery is far from certain," Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP co-founder Steve W. Berman $95

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