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Haugen v. Brosseau
Police officer's conduct violated Fourth Amendment when she shot plaintiff in back as he tried to flee from police in vehicle.
Constitutional Law Oct. 16, 2003
Jacobus v. State of Alaska
Alaska's limitation on 'soft money' contributions to political parties is constitutional; limitation on value of volunteer services individual may donate isn't.
Constitutional Law Oct. 16, 2003
Valley Outdoor Inc. v. County of Riverside
Unconstitutional aspects of county's sign ordinance are severable from rest of ordinance.
Constitutional Law Oct. 14, 2003
Himes v. Thompson
Punishing parolee under regulations more burdensome than those in place at time parolee committed offense, violates ex post facto clause.
Constitutional Law Oct. 13, 2003
Southern California Gas Co. v. City of Santa Ana
Application of city's trench cut fee to gas company violates the federal Constitution's contract clause.
Constitutional Law Oct. 13, 2003
Mitsubishi Materials Corp. v. Superior Court (Dillman)
Peace treaty of 1951 between United States and Japan precludes application of California's Second World War slave labor statute.
Constitutional Law Oct. 13, 2003
Clear Channel Outdoor Inc. v. City of Los Angeles
City may charge fee to companies to inspect off-site billboards.
Constitutional Law Oct. 9, 2003
Young v. Coloma-Agaran
State lacked authority to ban commercial tour boats from operating in Hawaiian bay.
Constitutional Law Oct. 9, 2003
American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada v. City of Las Vegas
City pedestrian mall must be considered traditional public forum when evaluating restrictions on speech activities.
Constitutional Law Oct. 8, 2003
Malabed v. North Slope Borough
Ordinance that gives preference in employment to members of Indian tribe is invalid.
Constitutional Law Oct. 7, 2003
Peng v. Hu
There is no violation of Fourth Amendment right to be free from unlawful seizure because officer was properly granted qualified immunity.
Constitutional Law Oct. 7, 2003
Nickelberry v. Pharaoh
Constitutional Law Oct. 6, 2003
Nagel v. Twin Laboratories Inc.
List of ingredients on dietary supplements is not constitutionally protected speech.
Constitutional Law Oct. 2, 2003
Lopez v. World Savings and Loan Assn.
Federal savings and loan association's practice of charging over state required fee is pre-empted by federal law.
Constitutional Law Oct. 2, 2003
Edelstein v. Fado
City's Proposition D, which prohibits write-in candidates in local elections, runs afoul of free speech provision of California Constitution.
Constitutional Law Oct. 2, 2003
Garrett v. Young
Information revealed by medical provider does not violate Confidentiality of Medical Information Act, no violation of constitutional right to privacy.
Constitutional Law Oct. 1, 2003
Hotel & Motel Assn. of Oakland v. City of Oakland
Oakland ordinances enacted to improve conditions in and around hotels are constitutional.
Constitutional Law Sep. 23, 2003
City of Los Angeles v. Superior Court (Brandon)
Disclosure of complaint more than five years old against police officer is required to protect defendant's right to fair trial.
Constitutional Law Sep. 23, 2003
Katzberg v. The Regents of the University of California
No damages awarded for stigmatization of professor's name where opportunity to be heard was offered and alternative state remedies available.
Constitutional Law Sep. 23, 2003
Talk of the Town v. Dept. of Finance and Business Services
Sanctions against erotic dancing establishment for violating liquor law did not implicate First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Sep. 16, 2003
People v. Fryman
Proposition 36's 'prospective-only' provision regarding the sentences of nonviolent drug offenders violates equal protection guarantee.
Constitutional Law Sep. 12, 2003
Nightlife Partners Inc. v. City of Beverly Hills
City attorney that reviewed cabaret's permit application should not have assisted at administrative appeal.
Constitutional Law Aug. 19, 2003
Ponderosa Dairy v. Lyons
California's 1997 milk pooling law amendments are immune from Commerce Clause challenges and don't violate Equal Protection or Privileges and Immunities Clauses.
Constitutional Law Aug. 7, 2003
Center for Fair Public Policy v. Maricopa County
State statute prohibiting sexually-oriented businesses from operating during late night hours is constitutional.
Constitutional Law Aug. 5, 2003
S.D. Myers Inc. v. City and County of San Francisco
Ordinance requiring city contractors not to discriminate on basis of sexual orientation is not pre-empted by state law.
Constitutional Law Aug. 5, 2003
Olszewski v. Scripps Health
State statutes authorizing provider liens against Medi-Cal beneficiaries are pre-empted by federal law.
Constitutional Law Jul. 28, 2003
Winter v. DC Comics
Comic books that added creative elements to celebrity likeness were protected by First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Jul. 28, 2003
Reeves v. Rocklin Unified School District
Anti-abortion activists do not have right to distribute literature on high school campus.
Constitutional Law Jul. 28, 2003
Vlasak v. Superior Court of California
Ordinance prohibiting possession of wooden objects exceeding certain thickness during demonstrations is constitutional.
Constitutional Law Jul. 23, 2003
Hills v. Scottsdale Unified School District
School district violated plaintiff's free speech rights by refusing to distribute brochure advertising bible classes.
Constitutional Law Jul. 23, 2003