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Montana Right to Life Assn. v. Eddleman
Two challenged provisions in Montana's Initiative 118, regarding campaign finance reform, do not violate First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Sep. 23, 2002
S.H.C. v. Lu
Temple is not vicariously liable for sexual misconduct of leader.
Constitutional Law Sep. 23, 2002
Nelson v. Geringer
State residency requirement for Adjutant General position in Wyoming National Guard violates Privileges and Immunities Clause.
Constitutional Law Sep. 17, 2002
U.S. v. Aguilar
Admission of unavailable codefendants' guilty pleas does not violate accused's rights under confrontation clause.
Constitutional Law Sep. 17, 2002
Robinson v. State of Kansas
State's acceptance of federal financial assistance prevents sovereign immunity defense to federal discrimination claim.
Constitutional Law Sep. 17, 2002
Paulson v. City of San Diego
Sale of city land with religious cross violated California Constitution because it provided advantage to bidders with sectarian purpose of preserving cross.
Constitutional Law Sep. 17, 2002
Weatherford v. State
Trial court erred in granting summary judgment based on immunity because right to reasonable safety in foster care was clearly established.
Constitutional Law Sep. 16, 2002
In the Matter of Estate of DeWitt
Statute that automatically revokes designation of spouse as life insurance beneficiary upon dissolution of marriage is constitutional.
Constitutional Law Sep. 9, 2002
Planned Parenthood of the Columbia/Willamette Inc. v. American Coalition of Life Activists
Anti-abortion activists' posters targeting abortion providers are 'true threats' not protected by First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Sep. 3, 2002
People of Guam v. Guerrero
Controlled substance statute does not substantially burden Rastafarian's right to freely exercise his religion.
Constitutional Law Sep. 3, 2002
Johnson v. Rodrigues
Putative father may not raise constitutional claims against adoptive parents and adoption agency.
Constitutional Law Aug. 25, 2002
Bass v. Richards
Employer who decommissioned reserve deputy because of political affiliations is not entitled to qualified immunity.
Constitutional Law Aug. 20, 2002
Dept. of Alcoholic Beverage Control v. Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board of California (Vicary)
Dept. of Alcoholic Beverage Control may prohibit dancers from fondling breasts while at bar or within six feet of patrons.
Constitutional Law Aug. 20, 2002
Consumer Justice Center v. Olympian Labs Inc.
Lawsuit under California's unfair competition law against makers of dietary supplements is not pre-empted by federal laws.
Constitutional Law Aug. 20, 2002
California First Amendment Coalition v. Woodford
Prison's restriction on public viewing of lethal injection executions violates First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Aug. 12, 2002
Orsay v. U.S. Dept. of Justice
Under pre-emption doctrine, Civil Service Reform Act bars actions brought under Privacy Act and Federal Tort Claims Act.
Constitutional Law Aug. 8, 2002
Ortiz v. Los Angeles Police Relief Association
Employee with access to confidential police files created conflict of interest by having romantic relationship with inmate.
Constitutional Law Aug. 8, 2002
The Lincoln Club of Orange County v. City of Irvine
Nonprofit corporation and city's dispute over purpose of campaign financing ordinance, imposing limit on contributions, is genuine issue of material fact.
Constitutional Law Aug. 8, 2002
Chandler v. The City of Arvada
City ordinance that prohibits nonresidents from circulating petitions is unconstitutional.
Constitutional Law Aug. 7, 2002
Board of County Commissioners of Sweetwater County v. Geringer
County lacks standing as political subdivision to sue state because it is not trustee or beneficiary of trust.
Constitutional Law Aug. 5, 2002
Westerfield v. Superior Court (Copley Press Inc.)
Right of access to warrant affidavits is limited to preserve fairness in murder suspect's trial.
Constitutional Law Jul. 17, 2002
Moschcau v. Mohave County
Local transaction privilege tax is political act and subject to repeal by initiative under Arizona Constitution.
Constitutional Law Jul. 12, 2002
Holliday v. Regional Transportation District
Trial court erred in dismissing First Amendment claims of directors of Regional Transportation District.
Constitutional Law Jul. 11, 2002
Robertson v. Wesminster Mall Co.
Owner of shopping mall may require prior notice and permits for persons wishing to engage in free speech activities.
Constitutional Law Jul. 11, 2002
Republican Party of Minnesota v. White
Prohibition upon Minnesota's judicial candidates from announcing their political views is violation of First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Jul. 3, 2002
Zelman, Superintendent of Public Instruction v. Simmons-Harris
School voucher system giving aid directly to parents who can apply tuition grants to religious, secular, private or public schools doesn't violate Constitution.
Constitutional Law Jul. 3, 2002
Board of Education v. Earls
School policy requiring drug testing of all students to participate in any extracurricular activities is constitutional under the Fourth Amendment.
Constitutional Law Jul. 3, 2002
Keenan v. Superior Court (Sinatra)
Provisions of 'Son of Sam' law are unconstitutional.
Constitutional Law Jul. 2, 2002
Newdow v. U.S. Congress
Act adding words 'under God' to Pledge of Allegiance to Flag and school's recitation policy violate Establishment Clause.
Constitutional Law Jul. 1, 2002
City of Columbus v. Ours Garage and Wrecker Service
States may delegate to municipalities and local agencies the authority to establish safety regulations involving tow trucks and similar motor carriers.
Constitutional Law Jun. 30, 2002