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Comedy III Productions Inc. v. Gary Saderup Inc.
Artist faced with publicity challenge has First Amendment defense if work has significant transformative elements or value doesn't derive from celebrity's fame.
Constitutional Law Jul. 17, 2001
Carmel Valley Fire Protection District v. State
Statute permitting Legislature to suspend operation of statutes and executive orders does not violate the Separation of Powers Clause of the California Constitution
Constitutional Law Jul. 17, 2001
Case v. Kitsap County Sheriff's Dept.
Washington deputies who arrest defendant in Washington pursuant to Oregon arrest warrant are entitled to qualified immunity.
Constitutional Law Jul. 17, 2001
Amster v. City of Tempe
Ordinance that prohibits sitting or lying down on sidewalk except during demonstration for which permit has been obtained is constitutional.
Constitutional Law Jul. 17, 2001
Home Builders Assoc. of Northern California v. City of Napa
Inclusionary housing ordinance applying to all development in City is not facially invalid and doesn't result in taking of residential developers' property.
Constitutional Law Jul. 12, 2001
Lorillard Tobacco Co. v. Reilly
Massachusetts's regulations governing cigarette advertising pre-empted by federal statute and its regulations prohibiting outdoor advertising within 1000 feet of school violate First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Jul. 9, 2001
Palazzolo v. Rhode Island
Takings claim challenging land-use regulation not ripe unless agency that implements regulation has reached final decision regarding property at issue.
Constitutional Law Jul. 9, 2001
Forrester v. American Dieselectric Inc.
Federal railroad act pre-empts state's products liability claim despite act's absence of definition of 'locomotive crane'.
Constitutional Law Jul. 9, 2001
Forrester v. American Dieselelectric Inc.
Federal railroad act pre-empts state's products liability claim despite absence of definition of "locomotive crane".
Constitutional Law Jul. 9, 2001
United States v. United Foods, Inc.
Assessments imposed against mushroom growers to fund advertising promoting mushroom sales violated first amendment.
Constitutional Law Jul. 2, 2001
Hermosa Beach Stop Oil Coalition v. City (Windward Associates)
Applying proposition banning oil drilling to preexisting project is valid exercise of City's police power and is not unconstitutional impairment of contract.
Constitutional Law Jul. 1, 2001
Fuller v. Superior Court (IPC International Corp.)
Right to protection against self incrimination may not be invoked before depositions are taken.
Constitutional Law Jul. 1, 2001
People v. Benitez
Terrorist threat may be treated as crime in certain circumstances and is not violation of free speech rights.
Constitutional Law Jun. 29, 2001
Crider v. The Board of County Commissioners of the County of Boulder
Government did not violate equal protection or property interest of residential owners where it designated their property as rural preservation district.
Constitutional Law Jun. 28, 2001
Kingsford v. Salt Lake City School District
Plaintiff may have property interest in coaching position based on implied-in-fact contract.
Constitutional Law Jun. 28, 2001
White v. State of California
California Legislature's passage of statutes allocating property and sales tax revenues to Orange County's general fund was not unconstitutional.
Constitutional Law Jun. 28, 2001
Randall v. Scovis
Litigation privilege doesn't apply where constitutional right to privacy outweighs policies underlying privilege.
Constitutional Law Jun. 28, 2001
Harrott v. County of Kings
Assault rifle not included in statute nor on attorney general's augmented list must be returned.
Constitutional Law Jun. 28, 2001
Federal Election Commission v. Colorado Republican Federal Campaign Committee
Statutory limitation on amount of money a political party may spend in support of congressional candidates is an abridgment of First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Jun. 26, 2001
State v. Heckel dba Natural Instincts
Statute prohibiting deceptive spam e-mail does not violate commerce clause if non- discriminatory and local benefits outweigh burden on interstate commerce.
Constitutional Law Jun. 19, 2001
Kansas v. Colorado
Order that Colorado pay Kansas money damages, including prejudgment interest from 1969 to date of judgment did not violate Eleventh Amendment.
Constitutional Law Jun. 18, 2001
Kyllo v. United States
Government's use of thermal imaging device to detect heat emanating from private home is unreasonable search without valid warrant.
Constitutional Law Jun. 18, 2001
Good News Club v. Milford Central School
Public school discriminated against private Christian organization when it prohibited afterschool club meetings because of organization's religious viewpoints.
Constitutional Law Jun. 18, 2001
Langille v. Logan City
Constitutional Law Jun. 13, 2001
Alameda Books Inc. v. City of Los Angeles
Municipalities may only enforce ordinance prohibiting multiple-use adult businesses if ordinance meets strict scrutiny.
Constitutional Law Jun. 13, 2001
Dellinger v. Board of County Commissioners
Absent express express powers by statute or state's constitution, counties have no right to put citizen initiatives on election ballots.
Constitutional Law Jun. 12, 2001
GTE Service Corp. v. FCC
Federal Communications Commission's methodology for compensating telecommunications carriers for providing universal service is constitutional.
Constitutional Law Jun. 12, 2001
Good News Club v. Milford Central School
School District may forbid outside organization from using its facilities when organization's activities are properly characterized as religious instruction.
Constitutional Law Jun. 11, 2001
Browne v. Bayless
June 14 filing deadline for independent presidential candidates is unconstitutional because it impermissibly burdens association rights of independent voters.
Constitutional Law Jun. 11, 2001
United States v. Hatter
Government may collect Medicare, but not Social Security taxes, from federal judges holding office before Congress extended taxes to federal employees.
Constitutional Law May 28, 2001