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MCI Telecommunications Corp. v. US West Communications Inc.
State waives sovereign immunity when it elects to approve or reject interconnection agreements under the Telecommunications Act.
Constitutional Law Jun. 22, 2000
Barker v. City of Del City
Courts must use balancing test to determine First Amendment violations when speech at issue does not implicate employee's politics or substantive policy viewpoints.
Constitutional Law Jun. 21, 2000
United States v. Nye County, Nevada
County's tax on the beneficial use of government property by federal contractors' isn't inconsistent with U.S. Constitution.
Constitutional Law Jun. 15, 2000
K.D.M. v. Reedsport School District
Children with disabilities may be offered state-supported special services at private schools, but not at parochial schools.
Constitutional Law Jun. 15, 2000
State of Kansas v. U.S.
Changes to child-support enforcement policy brought about by Congress' welfare reform legislation are valid exercise of spending power.
Constitutional Law Jun. 14, 2000
Morganroth & Morganroth v. Delorean
Appeal not moot when issues presented will likely affect civil conspiracy claim made by party seeking mootness determination.
Constitutional Law Jun. 14, 2000
Doe v. Madison School District No. 321
Parents of students don't have taxpayer standing to raise establishment clause challenge if tax dollars aren't spent solely to support graduation prayer.
Constitutional Law Jun. 14, 2000
University of Hawaii Professional Assembly v. Cayetano
State law that's contrary to the collective bargaining agreement with state employees violates the contract clause.
Constitutional Law Jun. 14, 2000
Doe v. Madison School District No. 321
Policy allowing student speakers to address any subject, including religion, at graduation doesn't violate establishment clause.
Constitutional Law Jun. 13, 2000
U.S. v. Baugh
Requiring demonstrators to promise that they won't trespass before issuing permit, and arresting them when they refused to disperse, is prior restraint.
Constitutional Law Jun. 12, 2000
U.S. v. Griefen
First Amendment does not protect protesters refusing to leave restricted area because equivalent alternative methods of expression are available.
Constitutional Law Jun. 9, 2000
U.S. v. Lipp
Constitutional Law Jun. 7, 2000
City of Tucson v. Consumers for Retail Choice
City ordinance on matter of statewide and local concern is valid unless it conflicts with or is pre-empted by state statute.
Constitutional Law Jun. 7, 2000
DiRuzza v. County of Tehama
Deputy sheriffs are not per se policy-makers whose work-related political activities are unprotected from retaliatory employer action under First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Jun. 2, 2000
Taylor v. Rancho Santa Barbara
Federal and state statutes that authorize exclusion of persons under age 55 from mobile home parks are constitutional.
Constitutional Law Jun. 2, 2000
Avis Rent A Car System Inc. v. Aguilar
Supreme Court declines case appealing injunction prohibiting workplace utterances deemed offensive to Latino employees.
Constitutional Law Jun. 1, 2000
U.S. v. Playboy Entertainment Group Inc.
Statute requiring primarily sexually oriented cable television programming to be blocked or transmission limited to hours when children are unlikely to view is unconstitutional.
Constitutional Law Jun. 1, 2000
State v. Preston
Requiring establishment of entrapment defense by clear and convincing evidence is constitutional, but presumption of innocence may not be taken away.
Constitutional Law May 24, 2000
State of Utah v. U.S. Department of the Interior
State may not intervene in lease approval process between Indian tribe and private party without showing 'immediate injury.'
Constitutional Law May 9, 2000
Humanitarian Law Project v. Reno
Congress may preclude certain foreign terrorist groups from receiving contributions of material support without violating First Amendment.
Constitutional Law May 5, 2000
LSO Ltd. v. Stroh
Officials of alcoholic beverage control agency aren't immune from lawsuit challenging officials' attempt to prevent erotic art exhibition on premises with liquor license.
Constitutional Law May 5, 2000
U.S. v. Kovach
Statute prohibiting uttering and possessing counterfeit securities is not invalid exercise of congressional authority under the Commerce Clause.
Constitutional Law Apr. 18, 2000
Garner v. Jones
Retroactive application of state law extending interval between parole considerations does not violate ex post facto clause.
Constitutional Law Apr. 5, 2000
City of Erie v. Pap's A.M.
City ordinance requiring nude erotic dancers to wear 'pasties' and 'G-strings' is constitutional.
Constitutional Law Apr. 5, 2000
Black v. Arthur
Forest Service regulation that requires signature of particular group member as condition of granting group use permit is not unconstitutional.
Constitutional Law Mar. 29, 2000
Garner v. Jones
Certiorari granted
Constitutional Law Mar. 28, 2000
Andersen v. McCotter
Government agency's interest in safely operating sex offender treatment program outweighs intern's interest in publicly commenting on proposed changes to program.
Constitutional Law Mar. 15, 2000
Rice v. Cayetano
State law that specifically grants vote only to persons of defined ancestry violates Fifteenth Amendment.
Constitutional Law Mar. 6, 2000
Village of Willowbrook v. Olech
Equal protection claims can be brought on behalf of 'class of one.'
Constitutional Law Mar. 6, 2000
Gritchen v. Collier
California Civil Code Section 47.5, which authorizes a defamation action by police officer targeted by citizen's false complaint, is unconstitutional.
Constitutional Law Mar. 3, 2000