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In re David B.
Appeal from dismissal of juvenile dependency petition dismissed as moot because appellant is now over age 18.
Dependency Jun. 8, 2017
In re A.K.
Father unsuccessful in challenging juvenile court's termination of his parental rights based on relative placement preference.
Dependency Jun. 6, 2017
In re Priscilla A.
Daughter's false accusations of physical abuse are not enough to remove her from father's custody, as accusations do not show that she suffered serious physical harm.
Dependency May 5, 2017
Isabella M., a Minor
Juvenile court properly denied alleged father's belated effort to adjust parental status where child's best interest lay in remaining in current placement.
Dependency Apr. 6, 2017
In re Hannah D.
Father's failure to challenge order terminating reunification services, via petition for extraordinary writ, precludes review of order via appeal from subsequent order terminating parental rights.
Dependency Mar. 14, 2017
T.W., a Minor
Disposition order finding that reasonable services were provided to Father warrants reversal where Father was provided only one telephone visit despite request for more frequent visits.
Dependency Mar. 7, 2017
Marcus C., a Minor
Juvenile court should have allowed agency and child's counsel leave to amend petition to conform to proof presented at jurisdiction, disposition hearing.
Dependency Feb. 23, 2017
Breanna S., a Minor
Termination of parental rights proper where mother failed to establish parent-child relationship exception given failed reunification and sporadic visits to children.
Dependency Feb. 15, 2017
Grace P., a Minor
Juvenile court errs in denying father's request for contested selection and implementation hearing on beneficial parent-child relationship exception to termination of parental rights.
Dependency Feb. 14, 2017
M.R., a Minor
Parents' problematic use of alcohol placed children in substantial risk of harm although mother's arrest for drunk driving was only a one-time episode.
Dependency Feb. 3, 2017
Yolanda L., a Minor
Father endangers children by leaving loaded firearm in closet within reach of children, supporting dependency jurisdiction and dispositional order removing children from his custody.
Dependency Jan. 25, 2017
B.B. v. Superior Court (San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency)
Agency errs in failing to follow proper procedures to terminate guardianship, but error harmless and does not trigger new period of reunification services.
Dependency Dec. 12, 2016
Charlotte V., a Minor
Mother fails to overturn termination of parental rights by arguing inadequate compliance with ICWA's notice requirements.
Dependency Nov. 30, 2016
Z.G., a Minor
Reunification services not in surviving children's best interest where parents were subject to services bypass following child's death due to parental neglect.
Dependency Nov. 20, 2016
Isiah S., a Minor
Mother lacks standing to assert relative placement arguments where reversal does not advance argument against termination of parental rights.
Dependency Nov. 13, 2016
T.M., a Minor
Visitation to father properly denied where father exposed minor child to prolonged physical abuse and refused to change his behavior.
Dependency Nov. 2, 2016
R.L., a Minor
California court's order terminating parental rights upheld though it erroneously found 'home state' jurisdiction over child based on brief hospital stay in San Diego.
Dependency Oct. 16, 2016
Michael S., a Minor
Welfare and Institutions Code Section 361(c)(1) does not preclude juvenile court from ordering removal of child from just one custodial parent.
Dependency Oct. 3, 2016
M.C. v. Superior Court (Del Norte County Dept. of Health and Human Services)
Early termination of reunification services erroneous where juvenile court failed to comply with Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 388 and 361.5(a)(2).
Dependency Sep. 29, 2016
J.F. v. Superior Court (Orange County Social Services Agency)
Mother's reunification services erroneously terminated where, though mother initially only minimally complied with her case plan, she regularly participated and showed significant progress thereafter.
Dependency Aug. 31, 2016
S.N., a Minor
Juvenile court's failure to obtain valid waiver of Mother's right to contested jurisdictional hearing does not warrant reversal of orders adverse to Mother.
Dependency Aug. 17, 2016
In re Alexander P.
Family court divested of jurisdiction regarding parentage once dependency petition filed, and therefore juvenile court erroneous in concluding it is bound by family court's findings on such issue.
Dependency Aug. 2, 2016
Armando L., a Minor
Termination of juvenile court's jurisdiction over child who suffered from behavioral problems due to ADHD overturned where mother was denied evidentiary hearing on custody and jurisdiction issues.
Dependency Jul. 18, 2016
Z.F., a Minor
Where juvenile court is terminating probate guardianship in a dependency proceeding, 'best interests of child' finding need only be made by preponderance of the evidence.
Dependency Jun. 15, 2016
In re K.L.
Order denying Welfare and Institutions Code Section 388 petition affirmed where mother fails to make prima facie showing proposed placement changes in children's best interests.
Dependency Jun. 14, 2016
E.G. a Minor
Penal Code Section 1000 court-ordered treatment constitutes 'prior court-ordered treatment' for purposes of dependency statute allowing juvenile court to bypass reunification services.
Dependency Jun. 12, 2016
Nia A., a Minor
Marin County juvenile court erroneously transferred dependency case to Contra Costa County under 'sensitive case' protocol without considering children's best interest.
Dependency Apr. 28, 2016
In re Mia Z.
Court properly sustains Welfare and Institutions Code Section 300 petition over minors where sufficient evidence supports finding of causation between mother's negligence and daughter's death.
Dependency Apr. 22, 2016
In re A.K.
Disentitlement doctrine bars extremely uncooperative father, who stood 'in an attitude of contempt to legal orders,' from appealing dependency court decision.
Dependency Apr. 6, 2016
In re H.R.
Man's vacillation as to fatherhood status, and conflicting testimony regarding other potential fathers, render court's determination of 'alleged father' status and denial of reunification services appropriate.
Dependency Mar. 28, 2016