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Sanjaa v. Sessions
Former law enforcement officer beaten for investigating drug ring that included parliamentarian's son does not qualify for asylum under CAT based on whistleblowing or persecution due to his status as a former officer
Immigration 9th Jul. 24, 2017
Padilla-Ramirez v. Bible
Alien detained subject to removal orders not entitled to bond hearing typically available to those detained ‘pending decision on removal,’ and despite ongoing withholding only proceedings.
Immigration 9th Jul. 7, 2017
Flores v. Sessions
Ninth Circuit upholds bond hearing requirement for unaccompanied minors, rejecting government claim that statutes invalidate key provision of consent decree.
Immigration 9th Jul. 6, 2017
Wang v. Sessions
Relief from removal properly denied where immigration judge’s adverse credibility finding was supported by substantial evidence, including anomalies in supporting documentation and applicant’s demeanor.
Immigration 9th Jul. 5, 2017
Sessions v. Morales-Santana
Immigration laws differentiating unwed parent's ability to pass citizenship to child based on parent's gender is unconstitutional; high court declares applicable rule in the interim.
Immigration Jun. 12, 2017
State of Hawaii v. Trump
Without making concrete finding that class of aliens poses threat to U.S., President may not employ Immigration and Nationality Act powers to bar entry by such class.
Immigration Jun. 12, 2017
Ramirez-Contreras v. Sessions
California conviction for fleeing from police officer not categorical crime involving moral turpitude that would render petitioner statutorily ineligible for cancellation of removal.
Immigration Jun. 8, 2017
Esquivel-Quintana v. Sessions
Defendant's conviction under California law for statutory rape does not qualify as aggravated felony under Immigration and Nationality Act so as to subject him to removal.
Immigration May 31, 2017
Ledezma-Cosino v. Sessions
Changing course, Ninth Circuit denies petition for review of decision denying application for cancellation of removal, upholding "habitual drunkard" provision as ground for removal.
Immigration May 31, 2017
Diego v. Sessions
Where state law regarding sexual assault is divisible, and asylee found to have committed the portion pertaining to sexual assault with a minor, asylee rightly removable under modified categorical approach.
Immigration May 30, 2017
Ayala v. Sessions
Extortion on the basis of a protected characteristic, e.g. membership in a family, can constitute persecution for asylum-seeking purposes.
Immigration May 2, 2017
Minto v. Sessions
Petition for review denied, where petitioner properly deemed inadmissible immigrant lacking valid entry document at time of application for admission.
Immigration Apr. 18, 2017
Ramirez v. Brown
Having temporary protected status provides pathway for plaintiff to obtain lawful permanent resident status under adjustment statute.
Immigration Apr. 3, 2017
Eleri v. Sessions
No distinction between permanent residents and those with conditional status for purposes of applying felon bar to removal waiver available to spouses whose removal would cause hardship.
Immigration Mar. 27, 2017
Bringas-Rodriguez v. Sessions
In en banc reversal, Mexican citizen raped repeatedly as a child for being gay establishes presumption past persecution for purposes of asylum hearing.
Immigration Mar. 9, 2017
Sandoval v. Yates
Oregon conviction for delivering heroin does not constitute aggravated felony that would render petitioner ineligible for cancellation of removal.
Immigration Jan. 29, 2017
Escobar v. Lynch
Petitioner erroneously denied relief from removal based on California conviction for witness tampering, which did not categorically constitute crime involving moral turpitude.
Immigration Jan. 22, 2017
Barajas-Romero v. Lynch
In considering persecution, immigration judge must apply 'a reason' standard to withholding of removal claims, not 'central reason' standard used for claims of asylum.
Immigration Jan. 18, 2017
Guerrero-Roque v. Lynch
Waiver of statute making aliens convicted of certain crimes inadmissible available to certain aliens does not apply to aliens who have such convictions but are removed for alternate reasons.
Immigration Jan. 9, 2017
Lkhagvasuren v. Lynch
Mongolian citizen properly denied asylum where he failed to demonstrate that purported persecutors were motivated by his whistleblowing activities or any government involvement.
Immigration Jan. 2, 2017
Reyes v. Lynch
BIA's interpretation, in its precedential opinion, of ambiguous phrase 'particular social group' is reasonable and entitled to 'Chevron' deference.
Immigration Nov. 30, 2016
Riera-Riera v. Lynch
Alien entering United States under Visa Waiver Program subject to program restrictions, even if entry was based on fraudulent immigration documents.
Immigration Nov. 28, 2016
Lemus v. Lynch
In deferral situation, 'Montgomery Ward' test appropriate in determining retroactivity; hence, rule that bars imputation of parent's residential history applies retroactively to petitioner, barring relief.
Immigration Nov. 16, 2016
Tellez v. Lynch
For purpose of reinstating removal order, alien 'reentered' U.S. when she was previously removed at border-crossing checkpoint.
Immigration Oct. 24, 2016
Mendez-Garcia v. Lynch
Petitioners properly denied relief from removal because their children no longer met statutory definition of child or had other qualifying relative when their application was decided.
Immigration Oct. 20, 2016
Bonilla v. Lynch
Exercise of jurisdiction over petition for review of motion to reopen 'sua sponte' deportation order results in remand after Board of Immigration Appeals commits legal error.
Immigration Oct. 20, 2016
Ledezma-Cosino v. Lynch
Immigration Oct. 13, 2016
Budiono v. Lynch
Petitioner wins reversal of order of removal where substantial evidence does not support immigration judge's finding that organization petitioner belonged to engaged in terrorist activities.
Immigration Sep. 21, 2016
Fuentes v. Lynch
Listed beneficiaries on asylum and NACARA applications not "admitted in any status" and eligible for cancellation of removal under 8 U.S.C. Section 1229b(a)(2).
Immigration Sep. 14, 2016
Singh v. Lynch
Board of Immigration Appeals partial remand still a final order of removal.
Immigration Sep. 1, 2016