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Valenzuela Gallardo v. Lynch
BIA's most recent construction of 'obstruction of justice' under Immigration and Nationality Act Section 101(a)(43)(S)'s raises grave doubts as to its constitutionality, warranting remand.
Immigration Apr. 1, 2016
Ledezma-Cosino v. Lynch
"Habitual drunkard" statute, used to find petitioner ineligible for cancellation of removal, is unconstitutional given lack of rational basis for classifying alcoholics as lacking good moral character.
Immigration Mar. 25, 2016
Ramirez-Munoz v. Lynch
'Imputed wealthy Americans' not cognizable particular social group for purposes of Convention Against Torture asylum seekers; removable proceedings upheld where petitioners claimed such status.
Immigration Mar. 22, 2016
Linares-Gonzalez v. Lynch
Petitioners entitled to relief after BIA errs in holding that violation of identity theft statutes were categorical crimes involving moral turpitude.
Immigration Mar. 22, 2016
Rosales Rivera v. Lynch
Petitioner successfully challenges denial of cancellation of removal where his conviction for perjury is not crime involving moral turpitude.
Immigration Mar. 11, 2016
U.S. v. Zhou
Denaturalization warranted where applicant committed crimes of moral turpitude within five year period before naturalization approval, though applicant was not arrested or convicted until after successful naturalization.
Immigration Mar. 8, 2016
Bianka M. v. Superior Court (Gladys M.)
Where minor's father's identity and whereabouts are known, court does not abuse its discretion by requiring minor to join father to pending parentage action.
Immigration Mar. 4, 2016
Almanza-Arenas v. Holder
Mexican citizen's California conviction under statute that criminalizes both temporary and permanent taking of vehicle does not make him ineligible to cancel removal.
Immigration Mar. 1, 2016
Yang v. Lynch
Petition for review granted on a motion to reopen removal proceedings where BIA abuses its discretion by making credibility determinations based on the 'falsus' maxim.
Immigration Feb. 29, 2016
Pena v. Lynch
Court lacks jurisdiction to review petitioner's challenge to expedited removal proceedings in view of jurisdiction-stripping provisions of 8 U.S.C. Section 1252(a)(2)(A).
Immigration Feb. 19, 2016
Villavicencio-Rojas v. Lynch
Petitioner's expunged convictions of misdemeanor drug possession do not bar him from first-offender treatment under Federal First Offender Act.
Immigration Feb. 3, 2016
Valencia v. Lynch
Petitioner unsuccessful in overturning denial of adjustment of immigration status under "grandfathering" exception for beneficiaries of labor-certification applications where substitution occurs after April 30, 2001.
Immigration Feb. 3, 2016
Ramirez v. Lynch
Man is not subject to removal based on his California conviction for felony child abuse, which was neither a 'crime of violence' nor aggravated felony.
Immigration Jan. 21, 2016
Hajro v. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
District court lacks power to enforce prior settlement agreement where order dismissing case neither incorporated terms nor expressly retained jurisdiction.
Immigration Jan. 20, 2016
Rizo v. Lynch
No deprivation of due process in removal proceeding, though immigration judge conducted the proceeding 'aggressively.'
Immigration Jan. 15, 2016
Correo-Ruiz v. Lynch
Brothers who were otherwise inadmissible under 'In re Briones' has another chance at obtaining immigration relief if they can establish legitimate reliance on pre-Briones law.
Immigration Dec. 31, 2015
Almanza-Arenas v. Lynch
Petitioner successfully challenges denial of cancellation of removal where vehicle theft under California Vehicle Code Section 10851(a) is not categorical match to crime of moral turpitude.
Immigration Dec. 29, 2015
Jang v. Lynch
North Korean Human Rights Act Section 302 does not preclude finding that North Korean has 'firmly settled' in South Korea.
Immigration Dec. 23, 2015
Viloria v. Lynch
Judicial review of Board of Immigration Appeals decisions is limited to final orders of removal, and 8 U.S.C. Section 1252(b)(5), is no exception.
Immigration Dec. 22, 2015
Mondaca-Vega v. Holder
Petitioner fails in challenging court's determination he was born in Mexico and not the United States based on asserted error regarding burden of proof.
Immigration Dec. 16, 2015
Flores-Rios v. Lynch
In petition for withholding of removal, Board of Immigration Appeals errs in not addressing the family aspect of petitioner's social group claim.
Immigration Dec. 2, 2015
U.S. v. Garcia-Jimenez
Prior conviction for aggravated assault under New Jersey law is not a 'crime of violence' under U.S.S.G.; court errs in applying 16 level enhancement.
Immigration Nov. 20, 2015
Bringas-Rodriguez v. Lynch
Homosexual man not entitled to asylum absent showing that Mexican government was unwilling or unable to offer him protection against rapists.
Immigration Nov. 20, 2015
Mancilla-Delafuente v. Lynch
Nevada conviction for conspiracy to possess credit card without consent is categorically crime involving moral turpitude disqualifying petitioner from cancellation of removal.
Immigration Nov. 3, 2015
Rodriguez v. Robbins
Immigration judges must hold bond hearings for certain immigration detainees subjected to prolonged detention of six months or more.
Immigration Oct. 29, 2015
Munoz Santos v. Thomas
Immigration Oct. 26, 2015
Hajro v. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
District court lacks power to enforce prior settlement agreement where order dismissing case neither incorporated terms nor expressly retained jurisdiction.
Immigration Oct. 26, 2015
Dimaya v. Lynch
Deportation statute defining 'crime of violence' suffers from similar constitutional defects as Armed Career Criminal's definition of 'violent felony' and is, thus, unconstitutionally vague.
Immigration Oct. 20, 2015
Moscoso-Castellanos v. Lynch
Petitioner ineligible for cancellation of removal because he stopped accruing requisite 10-year physical presence when he was served notice to appear in removal proceedings.
Immigration Oct. 14, 2015
U.S. v. Gonzalez-Flores
Prior removal order not deemed invalid where immigration judge allegedly failed to inform petitioner of his eligibility for voluntary departure because any such error was not prejudicial.
Immigration Oct. 14, 2015