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Juarez Alvarado v. Holder
Legal permanent resident who pleaded guilty to attempted possession of methamphetamine in Arizona is removable because conviction related to controlled substance.
Immigration Jul. 23, 2014
Coronado v. Holder
BIA properly finds legal resident inadmissible based on his California convictions for methamphetamine possession, but must rehear his due process claims.
Immigration Jul. 20, 2014
Bojnoordi v. Holder
Iranian citizen is ineligible for most immigration removal relief because he provided material support to Tier III terrorist organization in the 1970s.
Immigration Jul. 7, 2014
Jiang v. Holder
Chinese citizen who practiced Christianity does not receive asylum, because she failed to testify about physical abuse, which she emphasized in asylum application.
Immigration Jun. 13, 2014
Scialabba v. Cuellar de Osorio
Board of Immigration Appeals’ determination that ‘aged out’ children of principal beneficiaries seeking immigrant visas are not entitled to priority is reasonable.
Immigration Jun. 10, 2014
Singh v. Holder
Indian citizen must return to India although he was persecuted for supporting Sikhs because Sikh relations in India have changed since he left.
Immigration May 22, 2014
Zhi v. Holder
Immigration judge cannot base adverse credibility finding solely on inconsistency in dates, which asylum applicant asserted was caused by a typographical error.
Immigration May 19, 2014
Chandra v. Holder
Petitioner may use evidence of changed personal circumstances, such as conversion to Christianity, to qualify for exception to filing untimely motion to reopen.
Immigration May 13, 2014
Konou v. Holder
BIA may consider sentencing enhancements when deciding whether immigrant committed ‘particularly serious crime’ to warrant deportation.
Immigration May 12, 2014
Pirir-Boc v. Holder
Guatemalan citizen, who fled to U.S. after being beaten for opposing gangs, may qualify for asylum as member of ‘particular social group’ that opposed gang authority.
Immigration May 8, 2014
Ragasa v. Holder
Foreign citizen does not acquire U.S. citizenship through his adoptive parents, because he was not residing in U.S. when they became naturalized citizens.
Immigration Apr. 29, 2014
He v. Holder
Chinese man who sought asylum due to China's one-child policy is not entitled to further proceedings to gather evidence regarding resistance under higher standard.
Immigration Apr. 18, 2014
Carrion Garcia v. Holder
Woman who allegedly suffered domestic abuse in her native Dominican Republic may be removed due to repeated lies about her country of origin and identity.
Immigration Apr. 17, 2014
Jin v. Holder
Chinese citizen, who claimed he was persecuted for practicing Christianity, is denied asylum because he lied about arrest, church membership and place of residence.
Immigration Apr. 15, 2014
Ortega v. Holder
Mexican citizen may not renew application to become lawful resident when he took no action to vest right to renew before 1996 immigration reform law took effect.
Immigration Apr. 1, 2014
Ceron v. Holder
BIA must reconsider whether California conviction for assault with deadly weapon other than firearm is categorically a crime involving moral turpitude.
Immigration Apr. 1, 2014
Coronado v. Holder
BIA properly finds legal resident inadmissible based on his California convictions for methamphetamine possession, but must rehear his due process claims.
Immigration Mar. 17, 2014
Huang v. Holder
Chinese citizen is not entitled to religious asylum based on immigration judge’s determinations regarding her superficial demeanor and testimony.
Immigration Mar. 13, 2014
Perez-Palafox v. Holder
BIA properly overturns decision to allow Mexican citizen, who was convicted of particularly serious drug trafficking offense, to remain in U.S.
Immigration Mar. 12, 2014
Turijan v. Holder
Lawful resident may not be removed to Mexico because California felony false imprisonment conviction did not constitute crime involving moral turpitude.
Immigration Mar. 11, 2014
Montoya v. Holder
DHS may reinstate Mexican citizen’s removal order under IIRIRA, although her brother filed a Form I-130 relative visa for her before its enactment.
Immigration Mar. 10, 2014
Go v. Holder
Filipino national may not reopen asylum case under Convention Against Torture more than 90 days after receiving immigration judge’s decision against him.
Immigration Mar. 10, 2014
Tadevosyan v. Holder
Board of Immigration Appeals should not have denied Armenian citizen’s motion to reopen removal proceedings based solely on Dept. of Homeland Security’s objection.
Immigration Feb. 27, 2014
Garcia-Milian v. Holder
Guatemalan citizen is not entitled to asylum because she failed to show she was beaten and raped due to her former common law husband’s political views.
Immigration Feb. 13, 2014
Eddie E. v. Superior Court (People)
Ward of juvenile court, who was brought from Mexico to U.S. and abandoned, may be eligible to become a legal resident as a 'Special Immigrant Juvenile.'
Immigration Jan. 31, 2014
Chavez-Reyes v. Holder
Truck driver may be removed from U.S. after admitting he transported 900 pounds of cocaine, even if he was not convicted for the crime.
Immigration Jan. 28, 2014
Aguilar-Turcios v. Holder
Honduran citizen may remain in U.S. following discharge from Marine Corps due to conviction for using government computer to download child pornography.
Immigration Jan. 24, 2014
Negrete-Ramirez v. Holder
Woman, who was convicted of committing sex offenses involving a child after she became a lawful resident, may apply for waiver of inadmissibility.
Immigration Jan. 22, 2014
Smith v. United States Customs and Border Protection
Canadian photographer may not challenge his quick removal from U.S. by seeking relief more than year later, when he was not in custody.
Immigration Jan. 10, 2014
Li v. Holder
Chinese citizen fails to get asylum because inconsistent statements regarding religious persecution tainted the credibility of her forced-abortion claim.
Immigration Jan. 2, 2014