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Elim Church of God v. Harris
Actual notice of changes concerning expiration of labor certification is not required because changes were published in Federal Registry, constituting legally sufficient notice.
Immigration Jul. 11, 2013
Tista v. Holder
Petitioner is ineligible for special rule cancellation of removal as ‘derivative beneficiary’ under Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act.
Immigration Jul. 9, 2013
Sola v. Holder
Due process claims of wife of El Salvador citizen cannot be heard because she failed to raise issue before Bureau of Immigration Affairs.
Immigration Jun. 28, 2013
Cardenas-Delgado v. Holder
Petitioner is eligible for relief from removal under former statute that granted discretionary relief to aliens who served less than five years in prison.
Immigration Jun. 27, 2013
U.S. v. Hernandez-Meza
Defendant’s illegal entry conviction is vacated where court improperly allowed prosecution to fill in gaps it had left in its case, prejudicing defendant.
Immigration Jun. 23, 2013
Veltmann-Barragan v. Holder
Alien who is removable, but not subject to removal order, is not ‘in custody’ for purposes of obtaining habeas relief.
Immigration Jun. 19, 2013
Tamayo-Tamayo v. Holder
Alien's entry into U.S. by presenting invalid permanent resident card constitutes ‘illegal entry,’ subjecting him to reinstatement of prior removal order.
Immigration Jun. 18, 2013
Corro-Barragan v. Holder
Mexican native who resided in United States is not eligible for voluntary departure because she had not been continuously present for one year.
Immigration Jun. 10, 2013
Regalado-Escobar v. Holder
El Salvador native who fled to U.S. after being brutally beaten by political group for refusing to join them may apply for asylum.
Immigration Jun. 6, 2013
Macias-Carreon v. Holder
Mexican citizen with conviction for possessing marijuana for sale under California law is removable because his crime related to a controlled substance.
Immigration May 31, 2013
Mashiri v. Dept. of Education
Asylum applicant in law school is not entitled to federal student aid because he could not prove he was in U.S. for a non-temporary purpose.
Immigration May 31, 2013
Din v. Kerry
Government may not deny visa to Afghan citizen, who worked for former Taliban government, without providing reason beyond reference to terrorist activities.
Immigration May 24, 2013
Lawrence v. Holder
Lawful permanent resident, who was admitted in 1987 and convicted of felonies, must be deported because he filed for discretionary relief after Nov. 29, 1990.
Immigration May 22, 2013
Olivas-Motta v. Holder
Immigration judge may not consider police reports beyond record of conviction in determining whether alien’s conviction is crime involving moral turpitude.
Immigration May 20, 2013
Tapia Madrigal v. Holder
Former Mexican army solider may be eligible for asylum based on his involvement in publicized arrest of several Los Zetas drug cartel members.
Immigration May 16, 2013
Mendoza-Alvarez v. Holder
Insulin-dependent persons with mental health problems are not entitled to protection from deportation as a particular social group.
Immigration May 6, 2013
Friend v. Holder
U.S. citizen's son is not entitled to citizenship because he was born in the Philippines and his father never resided in the U.S.
Immigration May 1, 2013
Mondaca-Vega v. Holder
Mexican citizen unsuccessfully challenges finding that he was not a U.S. citizen where he regularly used two different names throughout his time in U.S.
Immigration Apr. 26, 2013
Moncrieffe v. Holder
Jamaican citizen is not removable because his Georgia conviction for possession of marijuana with intent to distribute does not constitute an aggravated felony.
Immigration Apr. 24, 2013
Rodriguez v. Robbins
Class of non-citizen aliens, who challenged prolonged detentions, obtains preliminary injunction requiring government to provide individualized bond hearings.
Immigration Apr. 17, 2013
Blandino-Medina v. Holder
Petitioner’s California conviction for lewd and lascivious acts with child under 14 is not per se particularly serious crime precluding withholding of removal relief.
Immigration Apr. 11, 2013
Cui v. Holder
Chinese citizen is not entitled to asylum based on fear of religious persecution where he lacked efforts to enter U.S. and he voluntarily returned to China.
Immigration Apr. 11, 2013
Romero-Ochoa v. Holder
Mexican citizen, who served more than 180 days due to California conviction for vehicular manslaughter, lacks good moral character to cancel his removal.
Immigration Apr. 11, 2013
Ceron v. Holder
Alien who was convicted of assault with deadly weapon under California law is removable because his offense is a crime involving moral turpitude.
Immigration Apr. 3, 2013
Gonzales v. U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security
Mexican citizens may be able to add challenge to retroactive application rule concerning eligibility for Form I-212 waivers in light of new retroactivity test.
Immigration Apr. 1, 2013
Rivas v. Napolitano
Doctrine of consular nonreviewability does not apply to consulate’s lack of action on applicant’s request for reconsideration of denial of visa application.
Immigration Mar. 29, 2013
Lim v. Holder
South Korean citizen is not entitled to cancel removal based on South Korea's 'unique military relationship' with U.S. and his service in South Korean military.
Immigration Mar. 26, 2013
Amponsah v. Holder
BIA must reconsider whether to give effect to state court judgment, which retroactively decreed that alien’s adoption occurred before her 16th birthday.
Immigration Mar. 24, 2013
Li v. Kerry
Chinese professionals and skilled workers, who were denied permanent residency, cannot recapture visa numbers from prior fiscal years to adjust status.
Immigration Mar. 21, 2013
Mamigonian v. Biggs
Armenian native who tried to enter U.S. using another person’s passport, and later married a U.S. citizen, may not challenge removal order in district court.
Immigration Mar. 15, 2013