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Subsequent Injury Fund v. King
Subsequent Injury Fund is liable for benefits which accrued when fatal disease began prior to funds closing.
Workers' Compensation May 19, 1998
Singleton v. Kenya Corporation
Term 'unaccrued benefits' indicates general assembly doesn't intend to restrict benefits already vested in deceased.
Workers' Compensation May 19, 1998
Broyles v. Director Office of Workers' Compensation Programs
Jurisdiction for claim under Black Lung Benefits Act is appropriate only where harmful exposure occurred.
Workers' Compensation May 12, 1998
Trujillo v. The Industrial Claim of Appeals Office of the State of Colorado
Employee's claim for workers' compensation for mental impairment caused by employer is properly denied.
Workers' Compensation May 6, 1998
Felix v. The Industrial Commission of Arizona
Tool procurement allowance unrelated to actual job-related expenses is a component of wages.
Workers' Compensation May 5, 1998
Gladys v. The Industrial Commission of Arizona
Claimant cannot re-open scheduled classification of claim due to new financial incentive to challenge it.
Workers' Compensation May 1, 1998
Young v. The Industrial Claim Appeals Office of the State of Colorado
Classifying mileage differently from room and board doesn't violate equal protection.
Workers' Compensation Apr. 20, 1998
Laurel Manor Care Center v. The Industrial Claim Appeals Office of the State of Colorado
Employee terminated for cause isn't eligible for temporary total disability benefits.
Workers' Compensation Apr. 20, 1998
Harms v. Williamson
Insurer is not required to file claim separate and additionally from claim by injured employee.
Workers' Compensation Mar. 25, 1998
Proudfoot v. Industrial Commission of Arizona
Actual post-injury employment is relevant to determination of earning capacity even if medically contraindicated.
Workers' Compensation Mar. 24, 1998
Employers Mutual Liability Insurance Company of Wisconsin v. Tutor-Saliba
Attorney fees provision between contractor and subcontracting employer of injured worker can't be applied to intervenor.
Workers' Compensation Mar. 23, 1998
Weld County School District RE-12 v. Bymer
Workers' Compensation Mar. 11, 1998
Brush Greenhouse Partners v. Godinez
Workers' Compensation Mar. 11, 1998
Pasillas-Carmona v. Spady Brothers
Workers' Compensation Mar. 11, 1998
Estate of Wesolowski v. The Industrial Commission of Arizona
Estate not engaged in business isn't subject to Workers' Compensation Act for domestic employee.
Workers' Compensation Mar. 10, 1998
Colorado Compensation Insurance Authority v. Baker
Workers' Compensation Mar. 6, 1998
City of Englewood v. The Industrial Claim Appeals Office of the State of Colorado
Workers' Compensation Mar. 6, 1998
Jorgensen v. Colorado Compensation Insurance Authority
Court may apportion settlement proceeds paid by third-party tortfeasor among claimant, spouse, and insurer.
Workers' Compensation Feb. 11, 1998
Schuck & Sons Construction v. The Industrial Commission of Arizona
Settlement agreement is valid despite claimant's death prior to approval by administrative law judge.
Workers' Compensation Feb. 2, 1998
Waddell v. The Industrial Claim Appeals Office of the State of Colorado
'Full responsibility' rule does not apply to disabled employee.
Workers' Compensation Jan. 26, 1998
Andrews v. The Industrial Claim Appeals Office of the State of Colorado
Employer may offset its workers' compensation benefits liability against proceeds recovered in third-party claim.
Workers' Compensation Jan. 16, 1998
Vance International v. The Industrial Commission of Arizona
Security company isn't liable for benefits to injured driver of Saudi Arabian Royal Family.
Workers' Compensation Jan. 12, 1998
Aubry v. Workers' Compensation Appeals Board,
Service of claim form with notice of lawsuit is sufficient to give Appeals Board jurisdiction.
Workers' Compensation Dec. 12, 1997
Tyler v. WCAB
Workers' compensation judge can direct further medical examination to resolve doubts on industrial causation.
Workers' Compensation Aug. 12, 1997
Qual-Med Inc. v. The Industrial Claim Appeals Office of the State of Colorado
Party challenging medical examiner's conclusions must show it is highly probable those conclusions are incorrect.
Workers' Compensation Jan. 7, 1997
Kinder v. The Industrial Claim Appeals Office of the State of Colorado
Unpaid student intern is entitled to medical impairment benefits.
Workers' Compensation Jan. 7, 1997