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State Bar & Bar Associations, Covid Columns, Law Practice

The “diploma privilege” boils down to full faith and credit access to justice for “Us” and no faith and credit for “Them,” mea...

Tax, Covid Columns, Labor/Employment

President Trump issued an executive memorandum last month to allow payroll tax deferral for employees in response to the ongoi...

Law Practice, Covid Court Ops, Covid Columns, Criminal

Upon learning that my client and I were going to be part of the first post-pandemic jury trial in San Francisco, I was nervous...

Civil Rights, Law Practice

Mallika speaks to a critical race theorist and feminist legal scholar about challenging homogeneity of the profession and acad...

Constitutional Law, Civil Rights

It is no secret that in 1776, when the Founding Fathers wrote the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, “We the People” did not i...

Civil Rights, Military Law

In the military, Jackie Robinson took a stand within a racist system

Government, Constitutional Law

President Donald Trump’s constant attacks on the judiciary are a violation of the separation of powers set out in the U.S. Con...

A just society holds people accountable for what they do; it does not punish them for what they look like or where they may ha...

The constitutional due process implications of giving prosecutors discretion to investigate and charge women for engaging in a...

Civil Litigation, Insurance

Do all-risk business property insurance policies cover losses related to COVID-19? A recent decision out of the Western Distri...

Civil Litigation, Entertainment & Sports

While some have been enjoying the return of baseball, albeit without fans in the stands, the Oakland A’s are moving forward w...

It took 70 years of advocacy for the 19th Amendment to pass, and it has taken a hundred more for the Equal Rights Amendment to...

9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Entertainment & Sports, Labor/Employment

Ruling in Judd v. Weinstein will help address sexual harassment in non-employment, professional contexts

Military Law

Supposedly, women have equal employment opportunities within our nation’s armed forces. But to avail themselves of those oppor...

Civil Litigation, Entertainment & Sports, Intellectual Property

Neil Young recently filed a lawsuit against Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. for copyright infringement over use of his son...

California Supreme Court, Criminal

When the system erred, it consistently showed that Black defendants were predicted to be higher risk, while white defendants w...

California Supreme Court, Law Practice

Chin up

Aug. 3, 2020

I had dinner the other evening with the philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus. I remarked that Justice Ming Chin was retiring from...

Constitutional Law, U.S. Supreme Court

Four U.S. Supreme Court cases from last term, coupled with the news that the Catholic Church received $1.4 billion in COVID-19...

Here are some pointers on how to avoid putting a foot in your mouth when the judge says, “Cross-examination, please.”

Civil Rights, Health Care & Hospital Law, U.S. Supreme Court

On July 8, the Supreme Court issued a blow to the ongoing fight for birth control access. The case in question involved a rule...

In part overshadowed by fears of COVID-19, the homelessness situation in Los Angeles and beyond is far from easing up. Once t...

Judges and Judiciary, Law Practice

Courts must fulfill statutory duties while safeguarding the well-being of the public they serve. Some courts in California are...

Law Practice, Legal Education

A conversation with international human rights expert and UC Hastings Professor, on writing about traumatic events to trauma-c...

Constitutional Law, Law Practice

As a public interest legal organization, Pacific Legal Foundation litigates in multiple ways: Primarily, we initiate, defend a...

As fiduciaries, trustees are typically guided by the responsibilities and obligations imposed on them under the law and/or pur...

A discussion with a Fresno-based immigration lawyer on the importance of giving clients more control and on the imperative of ...

Books, Judges and Judiciary

This is a good time to re-read — or for some to pick up for the first time — materials on implicit bias, and in particular how...

The asylum system is under attack. Over the past few years, we have seen policy after policy, fueled by racism and xenophobia,...

Law Practice, Military Law

For nine years, I ran over to the local Veterans Treatment Court, VTC, on Tuesday afternoons to act as a mentor, primarily to ...

Judges and Judiciary

It’s all different. More so than any of us can remember. Lesson we all know, but many have stored in the back of a mental clos...