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Law Practice


Aug. 5, 2019

August — the month that many of my readers are on vacation. So why write an August column? Other columnists take off a month o...

Government, Military Law

Disposable Warriors

Aug. 5, 2019

We send them there. We break them. Then we take away their benefits.

Government, Immigration

Our country can uphold both national security and its commitment to refugee protection. Indeed, it's done exactly that for dec...

Constitutional Law, Government

Last month, the San Francisco City Council voted to prohibit city agencies from using facial recognition software on municipal...

Currently pending before the California Supreme Court is an issue that calls into question the motivations of California offic...

Constitutional Law, U.S. Supreme Court

Rub a dub dub

Jul. 23, 2019

There may now be three justices open to moving away from substantive due process as the basis for incorporating the rights the...

In May 2015, The Los Angeles Times Editorial Board asked readers, “Could you live in L.A. on $221 a month?” The answer then, a...

Administrative/Regulatory, Environmental & Energy, Government

In the last year, litigation involving per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances has spiked across the nation. To date this litigati...

Judges and Judiciary

They profoundly influence our lives. They can be found all over the world. When not fulfilling their mission, they blend in wi...

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed at the end of 2017 doubled the estate and gift tax exemption. With much aplomb, it was announ...

Constitutional Law, Government, U.S. Supreme Court

On the morning of September 28 last year, Sen. Jeff Flake announced he would be voting to confirm Brett Kavanaugh. A few hours...

Family, Government, Health Care & Hospital Law, Military Law

Many veterans believe that government benefits are only available if they were wounded in combat or suffer from a disability r...

Community News

LA-ABOTA program update

Jun. 18, 2019

You won't find a better close-up audience experience to hone your trial skills than by watching and hearing the state's very b...

Alternative Dispute Resolution, Government

For 30 years -- since Avis Ridley-Thomas founded it in 1989 -- the Dispute Resolution Program has been providing free mediatio...

Real Estate/Development, Government

Last month, the Department of Housing and Urban Development published a proposed rule which would terminate housing assistance...

Constitutional Law, Judges and Judiciary

I recently attended a talk by Judge Jeffrey Sutton who sits on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The subject was a book h...

Constitutional Law

Julian Assange. Bryan Carmody. Each incident is a troubling incursion on First Amendment freedoms. One is a flat-out violation...

Government, Law Practice, Civil Litigation

In the past few years, private advocacy groups that intervene to defend challenged laws have successfully sought hundreds of t...

As the asset-light business model for hotel companies has become de rigueur, long-term management contracts have taken on incr...

“What am I supposed to do, just die in prison?” I was seated just outside the dilapidated holding cell adjacent to the courtro...

Judges and Judiciary, Law Practice

A moral dilemma

May 8, 2019

So am I going to go ahead with my novel? I’m thinking about it.

Administrative/Regulatory, Environmental & Energy

To produce sufficient food and fiber to feed California, the nation and the world, Central Valley farmers use synthetic and o...

From ancient times, people have erected statues celebrating significant figures of their eras. As times change, such monuments...

Civil Rights

Imagine being a teenage girl and locked up in a juvenile detention facility. Now imagine being sexually assaulted up to 10 tim...

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Mediators persist in efforts to rebuild and renew. The destroyers and innovative creators of the last 856 years in the evolvin...

There’s a legitimate debate about how best to balance public coastal access with private property rights. But there should be ...

State Bar & Bar Associations, Law Practice

Yet another example of the sacrifices military families make

State Bar & Bar Associations, Judges and Judiciary

On April 17, the Southern California Chinese Lawyers Association will celebrate its Forty Fourth Anniversary at a dinner at th...

California Supreme Court, Law Practice

Our Selma

Apr. 3, 2019

“Our Selma” is an apt description of this person we so love and respect. This affectionate possessive was how retired Supreme ...

Civil Rights, Law Practice

New York did it. San Francisco and Newark did it. Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Connecticut and other jurisdictions are considerin...