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The Resolution Issue 2021

Feb. 24, 2021


In This Issue:

Daniel Ben-Zvi

ADR Services, Inc.

Judge Michael Johnson (Ret.)

ADR Services, Inc.

Patrick M. Kelly

ADR services, Inc.

Jeff Kichaven

Jeff Kichaven Commercial Mediation

Ana M. Sambold, Esq.


Gail Migdal Title, Esq.

ADR Services, Inc.

Caroline Vincent

ADR Services, Inc.

Virtual ADR in a COVID-19 world

The requirement that everyone who can work from home should work from home shifted our business priorities and made us look within ourselves for a new way to move forward. Going virtual was not simply an option, it was an absolute imperative.

Making legal services accessible in the time of pandemic

The Covid closures changed all that as civil courtrooms shuttered and the ADR industry swiftly evolved into a virtual ecosphere where everyone could meet visually from home and work out matters online.