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California International Arbitration Columns for MCLE Test

Mar. 8, 2023

Special Coverage

This collection of columns is a supplement to the California International Arbitration: Coming of Age webinar. Optional MCLE credit is available to qualifying California practicing attorneys who complete the test. To watch the webinar, click on the "webinars" tab.

In This Issue:

Alternative Dispute Resolution, International Law

Is international arbitration adapting to the speed of business?

Perhaps the biggest challenge facing the industry in 2023 is whether international arbitration can adapt sufficiently to remain the dispute resolution mechanism of choice for corporate end-users.

International Law, Litigation & Arbitration

California international arbitration comes of age: a personal journey

As a measure of the growth of international arbitration in California this is the second year the California Lawyers Association is hosting California International Arbitration Week.

Alternative Dispute Resolution, Technology

Losing sleep over the Midnight Clause: Drafting disputes provisions for cross-border technology agreements and foreign investments

Cross-border technology disputes typically are high value, and often involve trade secrets or other forms of proprietary information and intellectual property.

Civil Litigation, International Law

California’s emergence as an innovator in international arbitration

A key milestone on California’s road to being an international arbitration innovator was a legislative breakthrough. On Jan. 1, 2019, California implemented one of the most welcoming “fly-in, fly-out” international arbitration laws of any jurisdiction in the world.

International Law

California International Arbitration Week – A hot ticket, high value, and free

CIAW is set to take place March 13-17, with nearly all of the events in Downtown Los Angeles (and the events can also be watched online).