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Community News,
Law Practice

May 17, 2019

Law students take home scholarships at ABTL event

Five third-year law students received $2,000 scholarships at L.A. Association of Business Trial Lawyers dinner.

The Association of Business Trial Lawyers hosted a dinner event in Los Angeles on “The Legal Battle Over the Estate of Doris Duke.” Five third-year law students received $2,000 scholarships from the association. From left, Suzelle M. Smith, Howarth & Smith, keynote speaker; Araby Abaya, UCLA School of Law, accepting on behalf of Sarah Rahimi; Sara Nicole Antoun, Loyola Law School; Nathaly Medina, Pepperdine University School of Law; Michelle Takagishi-Almeida, Southwestern Law School, accepting on behalf of Jezabel Chavez Navarro; Valerie M. Goo, Crowell & Moring LLP, ABTL vice president. Not pictured: Khadeijdra Carson, USC Gould School of Law.

—Erin Lee


Erin Lee

Daily Journal Staff Writer

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